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6 – Autonomous navigation  

Name of the system:

Autonomous navigation and docking for rocket transportation

Lead entity within the SAMMBA consortium:

EUT (reach out to us here)

Attachment point within the process chain of the Spaceport operator:

The autonomous navigation for rocket transportation together with the docking system attached to the launchpad. 

Major benefit within the process chain:

The concept of autonomous navigation and docking for rocket transportation allows for an increase in reliability as the navigation and docking maneuvers can be performed with greater precision than human-guided systems.
Availability increases as autonomous robots/AGVs with proper battery replacement systems can operate 24/7.
Furthermore, removing the human element results in an increase in safety as the need humans working at the launch site have to perform less hazardous or dangerous tasks.

Anticipated R&D vector for the near/mid/long-term:

Improving the robustness of the algorithms and sensors in any climatological situation will a key development vector toward operational readiness.

Modularity granted with the following standards:

In terms of autonomous navigation, universality. As it does not require environment modifications, it can be migrated to any spaceport. Regarding the docking, depending on the docking station structure,  the docking algorithm should be adapted and tuned.

Interoperability granted with the following standards:

MQTT broker, VPN secure communications, video

Systems interfaced:

Launch Pad M&C, erector, mechanical structures.

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