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16 – Blockchain

Name of the system:

Hyperledger for operations

Lead entity within the SAMMBA consortium:

EUT (reach out to us here)

Attachment point within the process chain of the Spaceport operator:

Part of the Launch Control Systsem (launch range). Interfaces the Process Manager to collect status/data of all spaceport operations for a secure and confidential access of the infromation by the granted stakeholders

Major benefit within the process chain:

Increase of availability: operations data is available to granted stakeholders in real-time network  allowing to trace and making more agile the chain of signature/authorisation between different stakeholders

Increase security: Data security is guaranteed through the Blockchain technology proposed for databases, in the format of a private network in which all stakeholders are identified along with their level of access to information channels. 

Anticipated R&D vector for the near/mid/long-term:

The tools offering the management of operations based on Blockchain technology are maintained by the Hyperledger Fundation

Modularity granted with the following standards:

Blochchain technology

Interoperability granted with the following standards:

Blochchain technology

Systems interfaced:

Process Manager Tool (IT virtual cluster)

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